Our offices are operating at 25% of maximum capacity. Face mask or covering is required upon entry of our building(s). By entering our building(s), you will be required to have your temperature taken and complete a health screening form. Please do not visit our office(s) if you are sick. In the interest of your safety and others, please stay home if you have any symptoms that include fever, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or running nose, nausea or vomiting and diarrhea. Quarantine per CDC guidelines until your symptoms are gone.

Amidst the challenges in today’s ever-changing environment and the struggles accompanying the COVID-19 global pandemic,
SHIELDS for Families remains resolute and focused on serving the families in the South Los Angeles Area. For almost 30 years SHIELDS has provided essential support to the community, has served the most underserved among us, and has adapted our way of doing things to make the biggest impact possible… And here’s what we’re doing now:
• All locations will remain open to the community for intakes and assessments as necessary. By rotating staff coverage and keeping essential intake staff on location, we will continue to enroll participants into our programs.
• SHIELDS will now utilize a tele-health platform to provide our essential services for the majority of our currently enrolled clients. This includes counseling, case management, vocational, rehabilitation and therapeutic services. As funders endorse the utilization of tele-health services, SHIELDS will extend these services to all remaining programs.
• We support our community by supporting our staff. SHIELDS has implemented a comprehensive staffing plan which modifies the duties, roles and settings of our staff in this new environment. The overall goal is to allow staff to continue to provide excellent service, while minimizing any potential exposure and keeping staff safe. Any staff member who is at a higher risk will be able to work from home or receive paid Administrative Leave.
• Safety First. SHIELDS is making every effort to get the safety gear we need into the hands of our staff and clients. Although there is high competition to obtain the necessary safety gear we need, SHIELDS is making a concerted effort to stock gloves, masks, disinfectants and cleaning supplies at all of our locations, and to disseminate these items to our staff and clients.
The community impact of this epidemic is every-changing and palpable. SHIELDS will remain committed to our investment in the community and adapt as necessary in our mission of service.
Now is the time when the South Los Angeles Community needs us the most, and SHIELDS will be present.
Kathryn Icenhower, Ph.D., LCSW
SHIELDS for Families